Friday, December 14, 2007

Labels; My Current Beliefs

Here's the funny thing about labels. One may consider him or herself one thing but everyone else may consider that person something else. I personally consider myself a Neo-Pagan based on my beliefs while others may consider me to be a Deist or something like that. Okay, first off, if you don't have an understand of what Paganism/Neo-Paganism is then click here. If you wish, come back here to read what my current beliefs are. Okay if you're still reading this then here's the deal. Just for fun, I'll write down some of my current beliefs and you decided whether if I'm a Neo-Pagan or not.

First off, I believe in a higher power that’s either one with the universe or at least apart of it. This higher power does not interfere with human affairs, nor reveal itself through holy scriptures. I also believe that any god that has human or animal characteristics is made up for one reason or another. However, I could be wrong about that one. The next thing that I’m going to talk about is the afterlife.

When it comes to the afterlife I'm opened to the possibility that there is an afterlife and I'm opened to the possibility that there isn't one. Some concepts of the afterlife makes sense to me, but most don't. One concept of the afterlife that does make sense to me is that souls go to another dimension after the human body dies. But sometimes, souls may be stuck between this world and the "otherworld" for various reasons such as punishment or unfinished business. Another concept of the afterlife that makes sense to me is the concept of the Summerland, which is the belief is that after one experiences life to its fullest and comes to know and understand every aspect and emotion of life after many reincarnations, their deity will let them into the Summerland. The Summerland also functions as a place of rest between incarnations. One concept of the afterlife that I strongly disbelieve in is the belief of souls burning and being tortured for all eternity. The soul is another concept that I want to write about.

While I believe in a soul, I DON’T believe that the soul is a little ghost that lives inside of us and takes up the form of the human self and wears clothes once the human body dies. I believe that there’s something more natural that you can consider a soul such as the human conscience. The last few things that I want to talk about are magick, Karma, and the threefold law.

Many people who practice magick believes that it can interfere with free-will but I don't see how it can. I will also like the point out that very few people believe that magick can break the laws of nature.

Many Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans believe in the threefold law which is whatever energy people sends out into the world (or Universe) will come back to them three times, this also goes for magick. I personally don't believe in the three fold law because it doesn't create a sense of balance in the universe. What I believe in is that what goes around comes around once and once only. I guess you can call it karma, although I'm not real clear of what karma is. I will admit, sometimes what appears to be "karma" (for lack of a better word) could be a coincidence. For example, If I punch you in the face and then I fall down and sprain my ankle, that's most likely a coincidence.

I will most likely write another blog entry about my beliefs.

Blessed be.

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