Monday, December 24, 2007

Rant: Thickheaded Militant Atheist Fundies

There are a lot of Atheists who thinks that Theists are delusional. That doesn't bother me because that's just their opinion. But there's seems to be a growing number of Atheists who "know" that all Theists are suffering from a mental disorder for the simple belief in a higher power. This includes the self-proclaimed Pagans/Neo-Pagans. Of course, for the Atheists who claims that theism is a mental disorder provides evidence. But their evidence of theism being a mental disorder is as lacking as the Christians' evidence for the existence of God. You can refute these Atheists all you like, but they'll still insist that we theists are suffering from a mental disorder, even the happy and rational Theists who live normal lives. Atheists such as The Rational Responders keeps insisting that we are mentally ill with such a arrogance. Meanwhile we have one Atheist in the entire world who goes as far as refer to every single Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Unitarian, Pagan, and Deist as retards. Of course, theism and religion are not the same thing, but in the minds of Atheists such as The Rational Responders, they are.

It's bad enough that we have Christian fundies trying to control our lives, but The Rational Responders are doing th exact same thing by trying to put theism in the DSM as a mental disorder. Thankfully only a few Atheists are as retarded as the Christian fundies. In fact, the Christian fundies and the Thickheaded Militant Atheist Fundies are two sides of the same coin.

If you think I'm making this shit up, then do the research yourself, unless you're too lazy.

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