Monday, December 17, 2007

Rest In Peace Meaghan Ellis

When I first Meaghan Ellis I didn't have an opinion of her. At first, I thought that she was teenage girl living with her parents. I actually thought she was kind of cute. But then after watching one of her videos on Youtube, I learned that she had a husband and children. I had online friends who knew her and I've heard good things about her. So I decided watch a few more of Youtube videos and leave some friendly comments. Then one night while I was on Stickam, I learned that she died. Her death was a real shock to me and to everyone else because she died at the age of 18 and after giving childbirth. What makes this death even more trageic was that she died before Christmas...or Yule. Blessed be to Meaghan and all of her family. Blessed Be.

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